domingo, 7 de junio de 2020


Format of reports
 format of a report. Sections that you need to include are:
 • Title
 • Authors 
• Abstract 
• Table of contents 
• Introduction 
• Experimental techniques and methods 
• Results and discussion 
• Summary/conclusions 
• References 

1. Title. This should convey the area and scope of the project. For example, “Rainbows” is poor – is this an investigation of the occurrence of rainbows in medieval illuminated manuscripts? or their use as metaphors in popular art? Or what? A better choice might be “Rainbows: the deflection of light by liquid droplets and the determination of droplet refractive index from measurements of rainbow phenomena” 

 2 The Abstract. The idea of the abstract is to provide a brief summary of the report. The reader should be able to pick up from the abstract what the abstract entailed, how it was undertaken and an indication of what was found out. An abstract should not review the report, but should rather act as a sampler of the contents of the report. Typically the abstract should be less than 200 words.

3.Introduction. This is where you need to outline the underlying concepts (and if required a brief version of a any theory) needed to discuss the project. Results and discussion. Present your results in a logical sequence, highlighting what is important and how the data you obtained have been analysed to provide the results you discuss. 

4.Diagrams, references and tables must all be numbered. 

5.References. These are very important. Your report should be sufficient to indicate to the reader what you have done. 

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